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Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspection

$550 (lowset, 3 bed, 1 bath & 1 ensuite) Unit

Pre-Sale Building and Pest Inspection

$550 (lowset, 3 bed, 1 bath & 1 ensuite) Unit

Residential Dilapidation Report

$550 (lowset, 3 bed, 1 bath & 1 ensuite) Unit

End Of Warranty

$550 (lowset, 3 bed, 1 bath & 1 ensuite) Unit

Handover Report

$550 (lowset, 3 bed, 1 bath & 1 ensuite) Unit


All Prices do not include the 10% GST.  

The listed prices are for standard Units and are a guide only. Townhouses & Houses, as well as larger Units, will be a higher fee than the standard Unit prices stated above.  Please stipulate the correct building type and number of bedrooms and bathrooms/ensuites when submitting your “Request a Quote”

Lowset Home

Normally no more than 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms/Ensuites.

Highset Home

Normally 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms/Ensuites and no habitable living areas downstairs.

Large Home

Normally Lowset 5 Bedrooms and up to 3 Bathrooms/Ensuites or  Highset 4 Bedrooms and up to  3 Bathrooms/Ensuites with habitable or non-habitable areas downstairs.

Extra Large Home

If Property is larger than 800m² and/or the Dwelling is larger than 5 bedrooms and/or more than 3 Bathrooms/Ensuites, and/or Buildings are greater than 360m² in total, the pricing will vary accordingly.

Extra Large Property

If property is larger than 800m² and the Inspection includes a Timber Pest Inspection, there may need to be adjustments to the prices suggested in this guide.  Please check with our Inspectors.

All Other Inspections

Prices will be determined on size and complexity of Inspections required.  Please check with our Inspectors if other Inspections may be required.

Building Re-Inspection

There may need to be a re-inspection of a property as access was not possible to some critical areas during the initial Inspection.  Our Building Re-Inspection fees are a minimum of $110.

Combined Inspections

Our individual Inspection prices can be reduced when an Inspection is performed in conjunction with another Inspection.  Please check with our Inspectors if this arrangement may be required.

Any questions please visit our “Contact Us” page.

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